Friday, May 25, 2012

Today I want to talk about homemade substitutions for cleaning products that are safe, non-toxic and cheap.

Most houses in today's world are full with chemicals that are toxic and pollute the environment. Many of these cleaning products can be replaced with homemade formulas that are more environmentally conscious and cheaper.  

Things that you will need

Baking Soda: Cleans, deodorizes and softens water
Soap: Unscented soaps or bars that are biodegradable. Avoid soaps that contain petroleum distillates.
Lemon: Effective against most household bacteria.
Isopropyl Alcohol or Ethyl Alcohol: Disinfectant.
Cornstarch: Cleans windows, polishes furniture, shampoos carpets and rugs.
Sodium borate or Borax: Cleans, deodorizes, disinfects, softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors.
Tennis balls: Throw 2 or 3 tennis balls into the dryer you are drying comforters, fluffy coats, pillows, or anything else that could use a good fluffing. Tennis balls can also help any laundry load dry faster.
White Vinegar: Cuts grease, deodorizes, removes mildew great to use in rinse cycle on laundry and dishwasher machine.The acetic acid in vinegar kills viruses, germs, bacteria and mold. It also dissolves tough mineral deposits and stains like those found in sinks, toilets and tubs.
Washing Soda - or SAL Soda is sodium carbonate decahydrate, a mineral. Washing soda cuts grease, removes stains, softens water, cleans wall, tiles, sinks and tubs. Use care, as washing soda can irritate mucous membranes. Do not use on aluminum.

Cleaning formulas

Laundry Detergent: Mix 1 cup Ivory soap (or Fels Naptha soap), 1/2 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup borax. Use 1 tbsp for light loads; 2 tbsp for heavy loads. Commercial natural, biodegradable laundry detergents are also now available online and in select stores.

Fabric softener: a half-cup or so of vinegar in the rinse cycle softens clothes. To reduce static cling, dampen your hands, then shake out your clothes as you remove them from the drier. Line-drying clothing is another alternative.
Dryer: Place 2 tennis balls into your dryer along with wet clothing. Run normal cycle.

Bleach for white clothing: If you want to whiten your whites, pour about a cup full of hydrogen peroxide in with your laundry along with your normal washing detergent.

All-Purpose Cleaner: Create your own all-purpose cleaner by filling a spray bottle with equal parts white vinegar and water. Then, shake up the mixture, and you're ready for your next cleaning spree.
This is inexpensive, it has no harsh chemicals, is an effective sanitizer, effective stain remover and safe for most surfaces.
Do not use on marble
Test on a small area before using on finished wood surfaces or tile
As with any cleaner, you should avoid all contact with the eyes and prolonged contact with the skin

Tennis Balls: Use them to remove scuffs on floors by placing a tennis ball on the end of a broom so it’s always handy.
To keep flies away when you are outdoors cover a tennis ball in Vaseline and hang it from a tree.

Dishwasher Soap: Mix equal parts of borax and washing soda, but increase the washing soda if your water is hard.

Dishwashing Soap: Commercial low-phosphate detergents are not themselves harmful, but phosphates nourish algae which use up oxygen in waterways. A detergent substitution is to use liquid soap. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of vinegar to the warm, soapy water for tough jobs.

Disinfectant: Mix 2 teaspoons borax, 4 tablespoons vinegar and 3 cups hot water. For stronger cleaning power add 1/4 teaspoon liquid castile soap. Wipe on with dampened cloth or use non-aerosol spray bottle. (This is not an antibacterial formula. The average kitchen or bathroom does not require antibacterial cleaners.)
To disinfect kitchen sponges, put them in the dishwasher when running a load.

Air Freshener and deodorizers: Baking soda or vinegar with lemon juice in small dishes absorbs odors around the house.
Houseplants help reduce odors in the home.
Prevent cooking odors by simmering vinegar (1 tbsp in 1 cup water) on the stove while cooking. 
To get such smells as fish and onion off utensils and cutting boards, wipe them with vinegar and wash in soapy water. 
Keep fresh coffee grounds on the counter.
Grind up a slice of lemon in the garbage disposal.
Simmer water and cinnamon or other spices on stove. 
Place bowls of fragrant dried herbs and flowers in room.
Sprinkle baking soda several hours before vacuuming it deodorizes carpets.
To deodorize a garage or basements set a sliced onion on a plate in center of room for 12 - 24 hours

Mold and mildew: Mix one part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with two parts water in a spray bottle and spray on areas with mold. Wait at least one hour before rinsing or using shower. You may also try white vinegar or lemon juice full strength. Apply with a sponge or scrubby.

Carpet stains: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray directly on stain, let sit for several minutes, and clean with a brush or sponge using warm soapy water.
For fresh grease spots, sprinkle corn starch onto spot and wait 15 - 30 minutes before vacuuming.
For a heavy duty carpet cleaner, mix 1/4 cup each of salt, borax and vinegar. Rub paste into carpet and leave for a few hours. Vacuum.

Chopping block cleaner: Rub a slice of lemon across a chopping block to disinfect the surface. For tougher stains, squeeze some of the lemon juice onto the spot and let sit for 10 minutes, then wipe.

Coffee and tea stains: Stains in cups can be removed by applying vinegar to a sponge and wiping. To clean a teakettle or coffee maker, add 2 cups water and 1/4 cup vinegar; bring to a boil. Let cool, wipe with a clean cloth and rinse thoroughly with water.

Drain Cleaner: For light drain cleaning, mix 1/2 cup salt in 4 liters water, heat (but not to a boil) and pour down the drain. 

Lime Deposits: You can reduce lime deposits in your teakettle by putting in 1/2 cup (125ml) white vinegar and 2 cups water, and gently boiling for a few minutes. Rinse well with fresh water while kettle is still warm.
To remove lime scale on bathroom fixtures, squeeze lemon juice onto affected areas and let sit for several minutes before wiping clean with a wet cloth.

Marks on walls and painted surfaces: Many ink spots, pencil, crayon or marker spots can be cleaned from painted surfaces using baking soda applied to a damp sponge. Rub gently, then wipe and rinse.

Stainless steel: clean with a cloth dampened with undiluted white vinegar, or olive oil. For stainless cookware, mix 4 tbs baking soda in 1 qt water, and apply using a soft cloth. Wipe dry using a clean cloth. For stainless steel sinks, pour some club soda on an absorbent cloth to clean, then wipe dry using a clean cloth.

Oil and Grease Spots: For small spills on the garage floor, add baking soda and scrub with wet brush.

Oven Cleaner: Moisten oven surfaces with sponge and water. Use 3/4cup baking soda, 1/4cup salt and 1/4cup water to make a thick paste, and spread throughout oven interior. (avoid bare metal and any openings) Let sit overnight. Remove with spatula and wipe clean. Rub gently with fine steel wool for tough spots. 

Rust Remover: Sprinkle a little salt on the rust, squeeze a lime over the salt until it is well soaked. Leave the mixture on for 2 - 3 hours. Use leftover rind to scrub residue.

Shoe Polish: Olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice can be applied to shoes with a thick cotton or terry rag. Leave for a few minutes; wipe and buff with a clean, dry rag.

Sticky things like price tags on tool and stickers on walls: Sponge vinegar over them several times, and wait 15 minutes, then rub off the stickers.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Mix 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar, pour into basin and let it set for a few minutes. Scrub with brush and rinse. A mixture of borax (2 parts) and lemon juice (one part) will also work.

Tub and Tile Cleaner: For simple cleaning, rub in baking soda with a damp sponge and rinse with fresh water. For tougher jobs, wipe surfaces with vinegar first and follow with baking soda as a scouring powder. (Vinegar can break down tile grout, so use sparingly.)

Wallpaper Remover: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and hot water, apply with sponge over the old wallpaper to soften the adhesive. Peel of the lifting paper and reapply the mixture to stubborn patches. Open the room windows or use a fan to dissipate the pungent vinegar smell.

Window Cleaner: Truth is I have tried a lot of different formulas but the one that has worked the best is
1/4 c. rubbing alcohol
1/4 c. white vinegar
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 c. warm water

Tip: For extra-shiny, streak-free mirrors only use the black and white newspapers, not the colored ones. Don't clean windows if the sun is on them, or if they are warm, or streaks will show on drying.

I you have tried different versions of these cleaning formulas share them with us!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nutritional and medicinal benefits of the Guava fruit!

     Guava is a fruit native to Mexico, Central America and some South American countries like Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and others. Guavas are now cultivated in the tropics of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. In the last decades Australia and North America also started their cultivation. 
      Guava is from the genus Psidium which in Latin means pomegranate. There are over a 100 known species so far. This fruit is 1.6 to 4.7 in long. Depending on the species the shape, color and outer skin thickness varies.
      Guava is usually considered one of the fruits with the most nutritional properties. It is very high in vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. As a matter of fact it has a higher vitamin C value than oranges. These vitamins help stimulate growth and repair tissue. Guava also has high levels of amino acids and contains calcium, potassium and antiseptic properties. Guava also helps regenerate collagen and fortifies teeth and bones and has been linked to aid with gastric ulcers, and control of arterial pressure. Some studies even suggest it lowers the risk of cardiac weakness.
      Among other benefits it is high in antioxidants, which help counterbalance toxic substances that oxidize and destroy the body's cells. If you want to strengthen your immune system  adding more antioxidants in your diet is a great way to get started. Some laboratory evidence and studies indicate that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent the development of cancer. To read more about antioxidants and cancer you can visit here is the direct link:
       Experts suggest that guava is also rich in dietary fiber and its seeds serve as natural laxatives when ingested whole. This property can promote digestion and frequent bowel movement.

       Among many cultures guava can be used in many different ways. There are many recipes all over the internet, in cookbooks, and some are simply passed from generations to generations. 
       There is guava nectar which is made with selected ripe guavas and can either be homemade or bought at many Latin supermarkets.
        In some countries guava is cooked as a paste and used in many dishes. The paste is a combination of guava pulp and sugar which is cooked slowly until it becomes thick enough to form into a block, which is the form in which it is usually sold. This guava paste can also be found in Latin markets.
        There is also guava jam, juice and jelly. It does not matter how it is eaten, just remember that guava is out there and some consider it a super food. Try it for its delicious flavor and its many nutritional benefits.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Vegetable Ivory or Tagua Nut

Tagua nut or vegetable ivory, is a palm native of the tropical rainforests of South America.  Tagua is usually found in groups in swampy territory within the forest.  The palms grow up to 65ft tall and produce an average of sixteen knobbly fruits. The brown fruits are very large, with a a hard and spiky shell containing the nuts. There are about thirty nuts per spike, each nut can measure up to four inches.
The cultivation, preservation and sustainable harvesting of these trees is highly encouraged and the seeds are picked up after they naturally fall to the ground. The nuts are left to dry under the sun for a few weeks allowing the cellulose pulp to turn to ivory. Since tagua can be died, cut, sliced, carved and lathed it is widely used by artisans to make jewelry and other handicrafts.
Tagua has a great economic value and it is considered a renewable resource. Since vegetable ivory is almost indistinguishable from animal ivory  it assists with elephant conservation.

History and Interesting facts
Tagua belongs to the Kingdom Plantae. It is an Angiosperm and it belongs to the Arecaceae Family. Its Genus is Phytelephas which literally means "plant elephant", so far there are six species of Tagua Palms.
Phytelephas aequatorialis – Ecuadorean Ivory Palm
Phytelephas macrocarpa – Large-fruited Ivory Palm
Phytelephas schottii – Colombian Ivory Palm
Phytelephas seemannii
Phytelephas tenuicaulis
Phytelephas tumacana

In the 1920's Tagua was widely used for crafts and in the fasion industry. About twenty percent of buttons world wide were made out of tagua; however, low-priced synthetic buttons replaced the tagua buttons market.

How to Loose All Your Teeth (**SARCASTIC WRITING**)

How to Loose All Your Teeth (**SARCASTIC WRITING**)

       Dear reader: If you do not appreciate a beautiful smile and want to lose all your teeth I present you with a recompilation of steps and tips oh how to speed up the process of teeth decay. It is important for you to keep in mind that this works with better result after you have reached an age where all your permanent teeth have come in; otherwise you will need to repeat this process. Note that if you are not a child or a teenager any more, your mouth may have somewhere between 28 and 32 permanent teeth, of course that is assuming that you have not gotten any teeth extracted, or that you do not suffer from some type of rate health condition that presents itself with more of fewer teeth. Keep in mind that is easier to lose the molars first since they receive less attention, are on the back of your mouth, and perform most part of the daily mastication.
       To begin, try not to visit a dentist ever, no matter how much you trust doctors. This step is critical in order to achieve maximum results in the least amount of time. However, if you do visit a dentist do not follow any advice he or she may give you. For instance, do not brush your teeth after each meal nor use dental floss, not even once a month because this will delay the results you are looking for. It is imperative that you eat as many sweets and sticky food as possible; these types of food with stick in the teeth and stay there until they become cavities. Chocolates and all kind of sodas are very good in helping you achieve your goal.
        After you develop a cavity, you are a step closer to losing that tooth. All you have to do, is to make sure you keep up with the habits of eating sticky sweets, not brushing, and not flossing. You will know when you are about to lose a tooth because you will fell an uncomfortable pain when dinging hot or cold beverages. When your reach this point you may find some comfort by taking pain killers. After a while, you will not experience much pain because the cavity is so deep that it has destroyed the verve of your tooth.
        Remember not to go back to the dentist for any follow up visit or you may get healthier. Going back may mean that all your efforts to get that ugly smile won't pay up! If you do follow these steps, you, and those around you will be able to enjoy the rotten smell of your bad breath thanks to the accumulation of food particles that stick to the surface of your tongue and teeth.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Promotion Codes!!

Here you will find a list of promotional codes for different sites.

Share Builder:

At Share Builder you can do Trading, automatic investing, buy stocks, rollover 401K and much more!
If you want to invest you can follow the link bellow and it will take you to Share Builder. When you open an account you will get a $50 account bonus when you start investing.

If you decide to transfer your brokerage account to Share Builder you can get a $100 bonus once the transfer is complete, just make sure you Use promo code: TRADEUP100 

If you want to rollover your old 401(k) into a new Share Builder IRA use Promo Code: RLLOVR5  to get 5 free trade credits! You must open a new ShareBuilder IRA or Roth IRA to be eligible for this promotion.


I also want to talk about a free service call Manilla. Manilla helps you manage your bills and your accounts that way you have everything in one place! It is very easy to use, convenient and it has more than 1300 providers including household accounts, bills, loyalty programs, financial accounts and many others! 
Once you sign up just follow the easy steps to get set up, Manilla will then let you know how much is due for each account, when will it be due, etc.. all of this in just one screen. 
I have been using it a couple of days and I must say it is great, specially because you can access it from any smartphone since they have the Manilla app. Let me know if you like it, or what do you think about it!
Here is the link 

Recycle Bank:

Recycle Bank is by far one of my favorites. It is a green website, it rewards people for taking green actions and it is very educational!
You can earn points for thing you may be already doing like recycling, riding with Amtrak, you can also earn with Pantene, Suave, Kashi products, Barnes & Noble, Ziploc, Ebay, and many others!
What kind of rewards do they have?
Recycle Banks offers a wide variety of rewards from print at home coupons to gift cards from Best Buy, Panera, Walmart and others.
To check them out you can follow this link:

Exclusive Goddess

This is my number one store for green jewelry since they offer beautiful, handmade, fair trade eco friendly products. The materials that they use are seeds, vegetable shells, vegetable ivory, macrame and other renewable resources.  If you decide to purchase an eco accessory Exclusive Goddess plants a tree, and you choose where to plant it! 
Promotion code for this store: LOVE helps you with all your shipping needs. It is very easy to use, and they offer great webinars too!
Sign up for following the link bellow and receive a valuable $100 offer. After your sign up you will receive a free scale and some free postage! make sure to enter Promo Code C-9QGF-4Y8

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Green Consumers

          Every day, tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) are put into the atmosphere, causing global warming. Due to ecological changes, the earth's temperature is rising, and it becomes more uncomfortable for all of us to subsist in this planet. It is important for each individual to educate himself about global warming so that we can help slowdown the emission of green house gases and make better decisions about the products that are consumed.
          To slow global warming, we need to reduce the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere. Individual consumers can help slow down global warming. Those who are environmentally conscious, and make an effort to buy eco-friendly products are called "green consumers". There are little things that each and everyone of us can do to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide; like recycling, taking your reusable bags to the supermarket or at least asking for paper bags instead of plastic, turn off unneeded lights, unplug unused electronics and buy only what is actually needed. Also boycott products that emit a lot of CO2. When we do this, we force companies to make products that are eco-friendly and reduce the CO2 emissions.
          Reducing the impact on the planet can also help to save money. For example, we can dim or turn off unneeded lights, if possible use natural sunlight, get rid of incandescent light bulbs and replace them with fluorescent light bulbs. Fluorescent light bulbs are more efficient, they last longer, give more light, and use only a quarter of energy that the incandescent type; therefore, saving you money on the electric bill. In addition to incandescent light bulbs, the refrigerator is a big energy consumer, responsible for about 15% of the electricity you use each month. Some of the things we can do with the refrigerators to save energy are: turn on the energy saver switch, don't set the thermostat too high and make sure the door seals properly at all times.
          Furthermore, fuel-efficient cars like hybrids are another great option when trying to help the planet, and save money on the long run. Public transportation, carpooling, driving less and walking when feasible are also great options.
          At the present time, we see more companies doing a greater effort to incorporate more energy-saving home appliances, fuel-efficient cars, biodegradable products that emit less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, etc. As consumers, we should make an effort to demand eco-friendly products in order to start slowing down global warming. It is also important to start recycling as much as possible and educationg younger generations about how to prevent CO2 emissions