Share Builder:
At Share Builder you can do Trading, automatic investing, buy stocks, rollover 401K and much more!If you want to invest you can follow the link bellow and it will take you to Share Builder. When you open an account you will get a $50 account bonus when you start investing.
If you decide to transfer your brokerage account to Share Builder you can get a $100 bonus once the transfer is complete, just make sure you Use promo code: TRADEUP100
If you want to rollover your old 401(k) into a new Share Builder IRA use Promo Code: RLLOVR5 to get 5 free trade credits! You must open a new ShareBuilder IRA or Roth IRA to be eligible for this promotion.
I also want to talk about a free service call Manilla. Manilla helps you manage your bills and your accounts that way you have everything in one place! It is very easy to use, convenient and it has more than 1300 providers including household accounts, bills, loyalty programs, financial accounts and many others!
Once you sign up just follow the easy steps to get set up, Manilla will then let you know how much is due for each account, when will it be due, etc.. all of this in just one screen.
I have been using it a couple of days and I must say it is great, specially because you can access it from any smartphone since they have the Manilla app. Let me know if you like it, or what do you think about it!
Here is the link
Recycle Bank:
Recycle Bank is by far one of my favorites. It is a green website, it rewards people for taking green actions and it is very educational!
You can earn points for thing you may be already doing like recycling, riding with Amtrak, you can also earn with Pantene, Suave, Kashi products, Barnes & Noble, Ziploc, Ebay, and many others!
What kind of rewards do they have?
Recycle Banks offers a wide variety of rewards from print at home coupons to gift cards from Best Buy, Panera, Walmart and others.
To check them out you can follow this link:
Exclusive Goddess
This is my number one store for green jewelry since they offer beautiful, handmade, fair trade eco friendly products. The materials that they use are seeds, vegetable shells, vegetable ivory, macrame and other renewable resources. If you decide to purchase an eco accessory Exclusive Goddess plants a tree, and you choose where to plant it!
Promotion code for this store: LOVE helps you with all your shipping needs. It is very easy to use, and they offer great webinars too!
Sign up for following the link bellow and receive a valuable $100 offer. After your sign up you will receive a free scale and some free postage! make sure to enter Promo Code C-9QGF-4Y8